Wildlife Fact Sheet: Sun Bear

About me I’m the second-rarest bear species, after the Giant Panda. I’m also the smallest of the bear family, but I’m the only one who can cradle my cub while…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Silvery Gibbon

About me I can live to be 25 years old in the wild. I use that time to frolic about in the rainforest trees eating fruits that other animals —…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Flat-headed Cat

About me I’m your typical cat in some ways, I’m active at night, my favorite meal is of the fish variety, and I roll alone. But, in other ways, I’m…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Pangolin

About me I’m nocturnal, and my happy place is hanging out in the dark by myself. I’m a strong, independent pangolin, who doesn’t need a lot of friends. I like…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Malayan Tapir

About me I can live to the human equivalent of a quarter-life crisis (25-30 years), but few of us have that chance these days. My Tapir friends and I are…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Asian Palm Civet

About me I love the rainforest and the rainforest loves me. My ideal night? Long walks in the moonlight, by myself, finding beans so I can eat them, poop them…

Wildlife Fact Sheet: Tarsier

About me I can live to be sweet sixteen, but I get stressed out easily. I’m sensitive to daylight, noise, and human contact. These big eyes I have? I’m nocturnal,…