Forest defenders protect all of life. Forests keep carbon out of the atmosphere, regulate weather and protect global biodiversity. Forests are vital for all of us, but consumer goods giants like Mondelēz International are fueling deforestation and rights violations all over the world.
Oreo maker Mondelēz International is no stranger to controversy, from accusations of child labor and modern-day slavery in its supply chains to unlawfully discharging its own employees, to its latest concern: getting caught doing business with known forest-destroyer and rights-violator Royal Golden Eagle (RGE).
That’s why we’re in Chicago at Mondelēz’ global headquarters for its annual general shareholder meeting — to deliver 156,361 petition signatures demanding that Mondelēz protect forests and their defenders.
Mondelēz has a problem with dirty suppliers. Besides RGE, the company sources from palm oil affiliates within Harita Group, a company threatening standing rainforests in Long Isun, an Indigenous territory in the Heart of Borneo belonging to the Dayak Bahau people. The Dayak Bahau have been fighting for over a decade to protect their forests for future generations.
Our demand is simple: Mondelēz must publicly cut ties with dirty producers RGE and the Harita group. The company must use its leverage to ensure recognition of Indigenous land rights and that corporate groups in its supply chain stop their theft of Indigenous land.
Mondelēz must stop doing business with companies that destroy forests and harm Indigenous and local communities. Mondelēz: Suspend violators and respect land defenders!