“Water is the source of life. Without clean water we can’t survive.”
These are the words of Emergildo Criollo, a leader of the Cofan people. Emergildo was a young boy when Chevron (then called Texaco) began drilling for oil in northeastern Ecuador using such substandard practices that some 18 billion gallons of toxic waste were dumped in the streams and rivers of the surrounding Amazon rainforest. Emergildo has been fighting for justice from Chevron ever since.
But after years of pressing a historic lawsuit against the Big Oil behemoth, Emergildo and the communities of the Ecuadorean Amazon still do not have access to clean water. That needs to change.
Today, a coalition of environmental organizations and human rights groups have joined forces to support ClearWater, a clean water project led by the communities of the Ecuadorean Amazon to provide immediate relief to thousands of people across the region still being impacted by Chevron’s oil contamination. Watch Emergildo, who is now serving as Ecuador Project Coordinator for ClearWater, explain why this project is so important to him and the communities suffering from Chevron’s toxic legacy in the Ecuadorean Amazon, then support Emergildo and ClearWater!
[youtube FUX0G82Zdcc 550]
Chevron is guilty of massive environmental crimes in the Amazon, but has chosen to spend millions on lobbyists, lawyers and PR firms instead of paying for a clean up of its mess. It’s time for the world to show deep solidarity with the communities of the Ecuadorean Amazon who are suffering the consequences of corporate abuse and a world addicted to oil.
ClearWater is about survival, justice and dignity. Support ClearWater now.
At Amazon Watch and Rainforest Action Network, we are proud to support the ClearWater project. We hope you too will continue to support Emergildo and the communities of the Amazon in their ongoing efforts to bring Chevron to justice, and their heroic efforts to seek solutions now!