May 21, 2019
Jamie Dimon
Chair and CEO
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
270 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10017
To Mr. Dimon:
JPMorgan Chase is the world’s leading banker of climate change, by a huge margin. The undersigned 300 organizations, representing thirty million supporters from around the world, call on your bank to stop financing expansion of fossil fuels, and commit to phasing out funding of fossil fuels in time to limit climate change to 1.5°C.
As we write, communities across the United States and around the globe are facing the devastating effects of climate change, in the form of wildfires, hurricanes, droughts and floods. Indigenous people are disproportionately on the front lines of impacts from, and resistance to, both climate change and fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure. Last year’s historic report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that while the effects of 1.5°C of warming are dire, 2°C of warming is vastly worse; keeping global warming below 1.5°C requires cutting carbon emissions by almost half by 2030, and to effectively zero by 2050.1 Potential emissions from oil, gas and coal already in production take the world well beyond 2°C, so we need an immediate end to expansion of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure.2
You have stressed that you support the Paris Agreement. But JPMorgan Chase’s activities are antithetical to the goals of keeping global warming below 1.5°C and fully respecting human and Indigenous rights:3
- Since the Paris Agreement was adopted, JPMorgan Chase has been the world’s biggest banker of fossil fuels overall, with financing nearly 30% higher than the #2 bank.
- Since the Paris Agreement was adopted, JPMorgan Chase has been the world’s biggest banker of the 100 top companies expanding fossil fuels, with financing nearly 70% higher than the #2 bank.
- Since the Paris Agreement was adopted, JPMorgan Chase has been the world’s #1 banker of Arctic oil and gas, ultra-deepwater oil and gas, and liquefied natural gas, the #2 banker of fracked oil and gas, and the #3 banker of tar sands.
- Since the Paris Agreement was adopted, JPMorgan Chase has financed projects and companies that have failed to respect human and Indigenous rights, including Indigenous peoples’ rights to their water and lands, and the right to free, prior and informed consent.
JPMorgan Chase must do its part to realize the goals of the Paris Agreement, which calls for finance to be “consistent with a pathway toward low greenhouse gas emissions.”4 We call on your bank to align with this call and to announce that:
- JPMorgan Chase will immediately stop financing expansion of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure.
- JPMorgan Chase commits to phase out fossil fuel finance on a timeline compatible with limiting climate change to 1.5°C.
- JPMorgan Chase will immediately stop financing projects and companies that fail to respect human and Indigenous rights, including Indigenous peoples’ rights to their water and lands, and the right to free, prior and informed consent.
In the coming years, today’s leaders will be judged first and foremost by what they did — or didn’t do — to address climate change. As you plan your succession, in what you have said will be your final years as head of the world’s biggest fossil bank, you face a clear choice. You can forge a legacy as the person who steered the banking sector away from its current path of driving the world toward disaster. Or you can continue with business as usual, and write yourself into history as the bank CEO who did the most to drive the climate crisis.
For our communities and a stable climate,
On behalf of the undersigned,
Patrick McCully
Climate and Energy Program Director
Rainforest Action Network
1% for Open Space
198 methods
350 Austin
350 Brooklyn
350 Charlotte
350 Chicago
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350 Corvallis
350 DC
350 Eastside
350 Eugene
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350 New Hampshire
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350 SW Idaho
350 Tacoma
350 Triangle
Abibiman Foundation
ADC Consulting
Africa Sustainable Energy Assocation
Agro-ecologie et Environnement Vert
Alameda County Interfaith Climate Action Network
Alaska Rising Tide
Amazon Frontlines
Amazon Watch
Another Gulf Is Possible Collaborative
Anthropocene Alliance
Aotearoa New Zealand Human Rights Foundation
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente
Asociación Potosina por la Dignidad Animal
Association Carre Geo & Environnement
Association CRI-AC!
Athens County (OH) Fracking Action Network
Attac France
Balkan Green Foundation
Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon
Bank Information Center
Banks Talking
Berks Gas Truth
Better Future Project
Better Path Coalition
Bold Alliance
Bolivian Platform on Climate Change
Bronx Climate Justice North
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Bucks County Sierra Club
Bucks Environmental Action
Cambridge Zero Carbon Society
Canadian Union of Postal Workers/Syndicat des travailleurs et
travailleuses des postes
Carbon Market Watch
Catholic Divestment Network
Center for Biological Diversity
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Center for Earth Ethics
Center for International Environmental Law
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Divest, Invest, Protect
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East Michigan Environmental Action Council
Eco-Justice Ministries
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Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Environics Trust
Extinction Rebellion Seattle
Extinction Rebellion TC
FAIRA Aboriginal Corporation
Farmworker Association of Florida
Federation of Italian Christian NGOs
Food & Water Europe
Food & Water Watch
Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Social: FMCJS
Fossil Free WashU
Foundation Earth
Franciscan Action Network
Friends for Environmental Justice
Friends of Lake Turkana
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Fund Our Future
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Fundación Chile Sustentable
Fundacja “Rozwoj TAK – Odkrywki NIE”
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Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
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Greening Committee of Kehilla Community Synagogue
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groundWork/Friends of the Earth South Africa
Grupo de Financiamiento Climático para Latinoamérica y el
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Health Care Without Harm
Hip Hop Caucus
Historians for Peace and Democracy
Holy Cross International Justice Office
Honor the Earth
Human Being
Idle No More SF Bay
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development
Inland Ocean Coalition
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Institute for Development Policy
Institute for Policy Studies
Instituto para el Futuro Común Amerindio
InterAmerican Clean Energy Institute
International Indian Treaty Council
International Rivers
Just Transition Alliance
Keeper of the Mountains Foundation
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth
Kentucky Resources Council, Inc.
Kiko Network
Korea Federation for Environmental Movement
Lakota People’s Law Project
LaPlaca and Associates
Last Real Indians
Lelewal Foundation
Les Amis de la Terre
Little Village Environmental Justice Organization
Louisiana Bucket Brigade
Mangrove Action Project
Manthan Adhyayan Kendra
Market Forces
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Maryknoll Sisters Eastern Region
Massachusetts Peace Action
Mazaska Talks
Mi Villita Community Center
Midori Law Group
Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light
Moana Nui Action Alliance
Mosquito Fleet
Mothers Out Front
Mountain Watershed Association
Movement Rights
Mt. Diablo Rising Tide
N.C. Alliance To Protect Our People And The Places We Live
Na Koa Ikaika Ka Lahui Hawaii
National Association of Professional Environmentalists
Native Organizers Alliance
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Naturvernforbundet/Friends of the Earth Norway
Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts
New Economy Project
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No Fracking Tamaulipas
Non au Gaz de Schiste 83
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Northland Sustainable Solutions
Ocean First Institute
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
Oil Change International
Olympic Climate Action
Our Climate
Oxford University Climate Justice
Pacific Environment
Pacific Indigenous Peoples Coalition
Paradise Gardens and Farm
Partenia 2000
People & Planet
Physicians for Social Responsibility PA
Polaris Institute
Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
Poor People’s Campaign
Portland Rising Tide
Power Shift Network
Preserve Giles County
RE Sources for Sustainable Communities
Réseau Européen Églises et Libertés
Rising Hearts
Rising Tide Chicago
Rising Tide North America
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Rogue Climate
Rural Integrated Center for Community Empowerment
Save RGV from LNG
Schaghticoke First Nations Inc.
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SF Public Bank Coalition
Sierra Club
Skyline Church
Society of Native Nations
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Solidarity Workshop
Solutions for Our Climate
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Sustainable Energy & Economy Network
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The Alliance for Appalachia
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The Institute of the Black World 21st Century
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The Shalom Center
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Threshold Foundation
Tikkun Magazine
Tinker Tree Play/Care
Touche pas à mon schiste
Transition Berkeley
Transition US
Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion
UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton
Unitarian Universalist Ministry For Earth
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
Valley Watch
Wasatch Rising Tide
Wenatchee Interfaith Climate Group
West Coast Environmental Law Association
WildEarth Guardians
Wise Response Society Inc
Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Young People’s Action Coalition
ZEROCARBON Energy Development & Information Centre
Matt Arnold
Ashley Bacon
Linda Bammann
Lori Beer
James Bell
Marisa Buchanan
Stephen Burke
Mary Callahan Erdoes
Phyllis Campbell
Todd Combs
James Crown
Timothy Flynn
Stacey Friedman
Mellody Hobson
Laban Jackson, Jr.
Marianne Lake
Robin Leopold
Melquiades Martinez
Michael Neal
Doug Petno
Jennifer Piepszak
Daniel Pinto
Lee Raymond
Peter Scher
Gordon Smith
William C. Weldo
- “Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C“, International Panel on Climate Change, October 2018.
- “The Sky’s Limit: Why the Paris Climate Goals Require a Managed Decline of Fossil Fuel Production”, Oil Change International, September 2016.
- “Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Report Card 2019”, Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack, Honor the Earth, Indigenous Environmental Network, Oil Change International and the Sierra Club, March 2019.
- “Paris Agreement”, United Nations, December 2015, p. 3.