Rainforest Action Network is bringing back our popular web TV show Greenwash of the Week. This week our charismatic hosts Nick and Brianna investigate the recent solar announcement by oil giant Chevron, dubbed “Project Brightfield.” Is it Project Brightfield or Project Bulls#%t? Let us know what you think in the comments section of this article.
Stay tuned for more riveting episodes of Greenwash of the Week, sponsored by the We Can Change Chevron campaign at RAN. In the meantime, if you see an example of greenwashing that we should feature on the show, send it to us asap! You can:
- Tweet it to @changechevron
- Post it to We Can Change Chevron’s Facebook wall
- Email it to greenwash@ran.org
Don’t be shy- we’d love to hear your suggestions for our next Greenwash of the Week!