We must keep forests standing, uphold rights and protect the climate

Here we are in a new year and 2020 requires bold action from all of us. We must keep forests intact and standing. We must uphold the rights of frontline and Indigenous communities as they face the most immediate harm. We must draw a line in the sand: not another forest cleared.

Racism, The Royals, and “The RAN”

It’s not often that Rainforest Action Network gets swept up in a royal scandal. In fact, let’s say never — until now, that is. Spurred by an article in a…

Fast facts about Australia fires

The images and video coming from Australia are devastating. Yet again, the climate crisis is fueling another horrifying event, one that has killed an estimated 500 million animals, dozens of…

Join Us to Take On Liberty Mutual!

Last month, RAN and allies launched a campaign to get insurance giant Liberty Mutual to stop driving climate change. Insurers like Liberty Mutual are contributing to the climate crisis by…

Amazon Fires: How Can You Help?

If you’re like us, you’ve been watching the news over the last few weeks in horror. The fires in the Amazon are beyond heartbreaking and devastating. Rainforest Action Network and…

5 Reasons RAN is Taking on the Insurance Industry

You may be wondering, what the heck does insurance have to do with climate change? Well, the insurance industry is supposed to protect us from risk. But when it comes…

Fighting Tar Sands Expansion

This case study was written by Tara Houska (Honor the Earth) and Jason Disterhoft (RAN) for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card…

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Under Threat

This case study was written by Bernadette Demientieff (Gwich’in Steering Committee), Ben Cushing, Gabby Brown, and Cara Bottorff (Sierra Club) for our latest bank report card, Banking on Climate Change:…

Who’s banking the Coastal GasLink pipeline?

TransCanada is trespassing on Wet’suwet’en land to start construction of Coastal Gas Link pipeline. What banks are financing this pipeline –– and the clear abuse of Indigenousrights? Check out our rundown of who’s banking on the Coastal Gas Link pipeline.