Chevron’s Solar Project Bulls#%t!

Rainforest Action Network is bringing back our popular web TV show Greenwash of the Week. This week our charismatic hosts Nick and Brianna investigate the recent solar announcement by oil…

Indigenous And Hundreds More Challenge RBC On Tar Sands

Today more than 170 people rallied outside of the Royal Bank of Canada’s (RBC’s) Annual General Shareholder meeting (AGM) in Toronto after a series of creative non-violent actions all morning….

Getting to Maybe with RBC

After a year of campaigning, this afternoon RBC and RAN finally sat opposite the same table to talk tar sands (here’s the background for those just tuning in). In RBC’s…

Tar Sands Threaten Canada’s Rainforests

October 12-18 is World Rainforest Week. Every year, we take this opportunity to highlight rainforest destruction around the world – and what we are doing to stop it. And RAN…

Mrs. Nixon Mystery Solved

UPDATE: RBC CEO Gordon Nixon is outside at the rally watching the RAN activists who deployed the banner! More to come, but take a look at Members of the…

Persistent Polar Bears Picket Prentice

Canadian Environment Minister Jim Prentice wrapped up his visit with US Cabinet and Congressional Leaders yesterday, but not without interruption. RAN received the following dispatch from Paul R. Bear from…

RBC – Get out of the Tar Sands!!!

RBC is Canada’s largest bank and a premier sponsor of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. They’re also Canada’s largest financier of the Alberta Tar Sands – one of the most environmentally…

What is the carbon footprint of my checking account?

RAN released a new report today, “Financing Global Warming: Canadian Banks and Fossil Fuels“, which calculates for the first time the carbon footprint from financing of fossil fuels by 7…