Bank of Montreal Confronted on Indigenous Rights

CEO Bill Downe’s unmistakable message at today’s Shareholder Meeting was that Bank of Montreal has changed. During his 10 minute speech, “change” showed up 14 times! The “world has changed”…

Score: Three to Zip in Bad Day for Dirty Energy

Amidst a horrific week of news about Japan, there was some truly good news yesterday in the fight to keep dirty coal and oil out of our air, water and…

Citi Needs an Intervention

Addiction – noun ə-ˈdik-shən, a-: persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful. (Merriam-Webster) Citi has a problem. Despite renewing its vows in 2009 to…

RBC Takes Step Away From Tar Sands

It took nearly two years, but today Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) finally adopted environmental and social standards on its financing in the tar sands. Great! So what does that…

More Lies on Midwestern Tar Sands Pipeline

With approval of his $7 billion KeystoneXL pipeline uncertain,  TransCanada CEO Russ Girling is now saying the project has nothing to do with Canada’s tar sands. But that’s not the…

Alberta Legislature Gets Eyeful On Tar Sands

Today I joined allies from Sierra Club Prairie and Greenpeace to transform the steps of the Provincial legislature in an attempt to give Albertans an idea of the amount of…

Pelosi Visits Ottawa as Tar Sands Protests Flare

Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi is in Ottawa today and tomorrow meeting with both friends and foes of Canada’s tar sands. RAN did our part to greet Madam Speaker…

RBC Tables an Offer on Tar Sands

A light at the end of the tunnel?Photo:  . SantiMB . via Flickr The tar sands tide may finally be turning at Canada’s biggest bank. RBC is among the largest…