Cleaning up The Other Royal Bank

We’ve been going after the Royal Bank of Canada for bankrolling the tar sands for some time now. Today, we went after the other Royal Bank–the Royal Bank of Scotland–with…

Getting to Maybe with RBC

After a year of campaigning, this afternoon RBC and RAN finally sat opposite the same table to talk tar sands (here’s the background for those just tuning in). In RBC’s…

The True Cost of Chevron

We’re excited to announce an “alternative annual report” on Chevron due for release May 26th. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but can say that it’s the most thorough…

Canada Looking for Terrorists in Grassy Narrows

The National Post just reported that Canada’s top Federal spooks were keeping *really* close tabs on last year’s National Day of Action for Native Rights–apparently including protests planned in support…

Grassy Victory Articles

Check out these lengthy news pieces on Grassy Narrows’ victory in kicking the clear-cut logging corporations off their territory – an area three times the size of Yosemite National Park….

Message from JB Fobister in Grassy Narrows

JB Fobister is a Grassy Narrows member who has been a key part of the community’s work towards self-determination. He sends this message: Six years ago when we blocked the…

KI6 and Bob Lovelace are Free!

Last week, as hundreds of supporters gathered to demand their release, Bob Lovelace and the KI6 won a ground breaking legal appeal to secure their unconditional release. The community leaders…