Challenging Chase on Coal in San Jose
Here’s a report-back from a Chase branch protest in San Jose last week: At 3:00 PM eight of us headed to the branch office at 55 West Santa Clara Street,…
Activist Arrested at RBC’s Waterloo
An activist was arrested this afternoon at the Waterloo Branch of RBC Bank. Mark Corbiere was charged with mischief for hanging a banner reading “Boycott RBC” and “Stop the Tar…
Fossil Foolery in 13 Canadian Cities
From Maryam in Toronto: In the spirit of Fossil Fools day, 13 Cities in Canada have taken action and pulled creative pranks and tricks on tar sands supporters. 8 communities…
Two days locked-down to the EPA campaigning to end mountaintop removal
RAN activists have spent two days locked-down to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), demanding justice for the people of Appalachia by enforcing the Clean Water Act and ending mountaintop removal…
Lisa Jackson’s Reaction To Mountaintop Removal Activist Lock Down At EPA
UPDATE: 7:00am, Friday March 19–After 24 hours activists are still locked down in front of the EPA headquarters in Washington, DC demanding justice for the people of Appalachia and protection…
Indigenous And Hundreds More Challenge RBC On Tar Sands
Today more than 170 people rallied outside of the Royal Bank of Canada’s (RBC’s) Annual General Shareholder meeting (AGM) in Toronto after a series of creative non-violent actions all morning….
Ecuadorian Community Activists Get Canadian Mining Company Delisted from TSX
Over the past 12 years, RAN has supported through our Protect-an-Acre small grants both Defense and Ecological Conservation of Intag (DECOIN) and Community Defense Council in the Intag region in…
Three Actions Across Canada Launch Campaign Against RBC’s Olympic-Sized Greenwashing
So I really like the Winter Olympics – they really put the Summer Olympics to shame. Hockey, luge, figure skating, bobsledding, downhill skiing… and even that sport that combines cross-country…
Earth to Chamber of Commerce Members: Change or Leave
The controversy surrounding the US Chamber of Commerce continues. The labor coalition Change to Win recently issued a report on how the Chamber has been hijacked by right wing ideologues,…
Forget the Black Gold, Just Clean Water Please
I’m sitting opposite the ‘Hotel Black Gold’ as the sun goes down over Lago Agrio and the streets start to hum with evening traffic, people returning home from work and…