Eco Business: US doughnut giants make deforestation-free pledge

“Doughnut giants Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme have made pledges to source deforestation-free palm oil for the sweet treats they produce – a first for the industry. American doughnut and coffee…

Press Release: Palm Oil Giants Hit Pause Button On Bulldozers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, September 19th, 2014 CONTACT: Laurel Sutherlin, 415.246.0161 Palm Oil Giants Hit Pause Button On Bulldozers Moratorium on forest clearance for palm oil plantations a ‘step…

Mongabay: ConAgra adopts greener palm oil policy

“U.S. food giant ConAgra has adopted a new sourcing policy that will exclude palm oil produced at the expense of rainforests and peatlands.  The policy, signed last week, comes in…

Pressure is working: Cargill is on the move

Today, after seven years of nonstop pressure from RAN, agribusiness giant Cargill – the largest importer of palm oil into the U.S. – made a major new pledge to root…