Top 10 Dirty Corporate Tax Dodgers of 2011

Two weeks ago it was announced that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world sparking furious debate from Fox News types concerned about corporate well being….

The Trial and the Road to Justice

The courthouse stands four stories high along the main drag of Lago Agrio. Like all other buildings in the town, the weather has gotten the best of it. It is…

A Day In Rumipamba

We brought some Chinese journalists out to Rumipamba yesterday, a Quichua village spread along a recently paved road in the Auca Sur oil field. The journalists were looking for the…

How Far Would You Go To Save It All?

That’s the tagline for a new documentary being made about the Yasuni national forest in Ecuador, which has been called “Earth’s Eden” because of its stunning beauty and incredible biodiversity….

People Power Defeats Keystone XL Again

Yesterday, the Senate voted on a bill that would have overridden President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. And it’s all thanks to you. When Keystone XL reared its…

How Low Can Chevron Go?

How low can Chevron go? It seems the company is determined to find out. Having lost a major environmental lawsuit in both US and Ecuador courts based on the merits…