RAN Toronto Publicly Shames RBC CEO Gordon Nixon

Written by Dave Vasey from RAN Toronto. On Tuesday, RAN activists disrupted a speech by Gordon Nixon, president of RBC at Ryerson University. Nixon was speaking as part of a…

Canadian Youth Confront Parliament as PowerShift Wraps Up

Written by Maryam Adrangi and Eriel Tchekwie Deranger. A group of Canadian climate change activists – including RAN campaigner Eriel Deranger, and numerous members of RAN Toronto – caused a…

Earth to Chamber of Commerce Members: Change or Leave

The controversy surrounding the US Chamber of Commerce continues. The labor coalition Change to Win recently issued a report on how the Chamber has been hijacked by right wing ideologues,…

Forget the Black Gold, Just Clean Water Please

I’m sitting opposite the ‘Hotel Black Gold’ as the sun goes down over Lago Agrio and the streets start to hum with evening traffic, people returning home from work and…

Tar Sands Threaten Canada’s Rainforests

October 12-18 is World Rainforest Week. Every year, we take this opportunity to highlight rainforest destruction around the world – and what we are doing to stop it. And RAN…

Could Chevron Have a Change of Heart?

Fabiola is a beautiful thirteen-year old girl with sparkling bright eyes and an infectious smile. As we approached her house in the village of Taracoa in Ecuador, she marched right…

Agrofuels Are Not Low Carbon

Evidence is mounting about the social and environmental consequences of industrialized biofuels, aka agrofuels. A new paper from RAN concludes that we cannot grow our way out of our oil…

RAN Toronto Crashes RBC’s Unveiling of New Headquarters

Today, Royal Bank of Canada held a fancy reception for journalists at their new headquarters, the 43-story, $400 million RBC Centre. RBC was practically bursting at the seams with pride…