BP still finds time to party

Here’s an update from our friends at Platform in London, England. Platform is shining a spotlight on BP’s corporate sponsorship of the Arts. For the past 20 years, Tate Britain…

Canadian Oil Boosters Freak Out, Challenge RAN to Duel

Fearful that the union of environmental activists and cosmetics purveyors spells doom for the tar sands, Canada’s biggest oil boosters totally freaked out about our campaign with LUSH Cosmetics this…

Tar Sands Bull CAPP

Yesterday we announced a new campaign with Lush Cosmetics to get the word out on tar sands at more than 100 LUSH stores in the US and Canada. Today, Canadian…

Gulf Coast vs. Tar Sands: Environmental Deathmatch

Last week, we reported that Canada’s tar sands have just become the biggest source of oil imports to the US. This week we compare tar sands to the other big…

Canada’s Tar Sands Top Supplier of US Oil Imports

Ask anyone where most of US oil comes from and you’re likely to hear “somewhere in the Middle East.” Ten years ago, that would have been true. Today though, Canada…

Big Oil Profits, We Pay

Today, BP, and their contractors, Transocean and Halliburton, are testifying before Congress to determine who is at fault for the nearly 4 million gallons of oil wreaking havoc on the…

The Oil Spill’s Real Eco-Terroristas

“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.“ -Utah Phillips We can’t make up shit better than this. In…