The Profits Over People Pattern

In what has become something of a pattern, the Obama administration recently took a bold new step to protect our planet at the same time that it was taking a…

Top Five Ways to Protect Rainforests in 2011

This post originally appeared on The Huffington Post. Many of us live thousands of miles away from Brazil, Indonesia and the Congo Basin, where the last stands of tropical rainforests…

Texas Fights to Stay a Dirty Energy State

“The corporations don’t have to lobby the government anymore. They are the government.” -Jim Hightower I can’t say enough about the fact that my home state of Texas is becoming…

RBC Takes Step Away From Tar Sands

It took nearly two years, but today Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) finally adopted environmental and social standards on its financing in the tar sands. Great! So what does that…

More Lies on Midwestern Tar Sands Pipeline

With approval of his $7 billion KeystoneXL pipeline uncertain,  TransCanada CEO Russ Girling is now saying the project has nothing to do with Canada’s tar sands. But that’s not the…

WikiLeaks: Chevron Negotiated Oil Project With Iran

Last I checked, Chevron was still a US company and hence subject to US laws. But surprise, surprise: Chevron has little regard for the law when there’s money to be…

Deep in the Heart of Dirty Energy and False Solutions

I just want Texas to be number one in something other than executions, toll roads and property taxes. -Kinky Friedman They say everything is bigger in Texas. And in the…