Chevron: Adding Insult to Injury, One Scam at a Time

If you’ve been following the dramatic turns of the historic class action environmental lawsuit against Chevron in Ecuador, then you’re aware of Chevron’s aggressive public relations and legal campaign to…

HSBC Takes a Step Away from Tar Sands

This week, HSBC became the second international bank in as many months to take a step away from financing in the Tar Sands. The bank hinted in press reports last…

The Countdown to a Verdict in Ecuador Has Begun

The plaintiffs have submitted their final arguments — known as an “alegato” in Spanish — to the court in Lago Agrio, Ecuador, citing the “overwhelming” evidence of Chevron’s culpability for…

Seems Like Chevron Can’t Take the Heat

Yesterday we asked you to call Chevron CEO John Watson and “congratulate” him, as it had just been announced that Chevron had been inducted into Corporate Accountability International’s “Corporate Hall…

The Joy of Message Correction

This post was sent to us by Flora Bernard, who works with Peaceful Uprising. A fellow activist from Salt Lake City, UT recently sent Flora this report about their “message…

Diego Borja’s Latest Dirty Trick For Chevron

Perhaps you saw the news last week that Chevron’s self-described “dirty tricks guy” in Ecuador, Diego Borja, has fled California to evade being served with a subpoena. I feel compelled…