Texan Takes Fight Against Tar Sands Pipeline to Citigroup

David Daniel is traveling 1,500 miles from the Piney Woods of East Texas to midtown Manhattan this week with a message for Citigroup, the nation’s third-largest bank: Don’t help a…

RBS Still Mired In Tar Sands

Last Summer we had a rather public row with RBS over its role in bankrolling fossil fuel expansion. Since then, the Bank’s PR team has been working overtime to clear…

Corporate Tax Dodgers: The Dirtiest Dozen

Co-authored by Matt Leonard Billionaire real estate investor and legendary tax evader Leona Helmsley famously said: “Only the little people pay taxes.” It turns out Helmsley was all too right….

Walking The Walk To Hold Big Oil Accountable

When faced with catastrophic environmental degradation — in your own community, no less — calling out the perpetrators and demanding accountability from elected officials is often not enough, as we…

A Bad Year for Dirty Energy

April 5th is the one-year anniversary of the disaster at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch mine, in which 29 coal miners lost their lives needlessly thanks to Massey’s disregard for…