On the ground in West Virginia’s Coal Country

After a series of challenges yesterday (the pilot tapping futilely on the little “check battery” light and the cancelled flight to Google’s outdated belief that there is no mine where…

The Carbon Logic Problem Statement | Grist

All too often those debating the solutions and proposed actions to tackle global warming fail to challenge the assumptions. While it’s important to deal with emissions it can be argued…

Psssst, JP Morgan Chase- Coal is Dirty!

JP Morgan Chase bank, based in New York City, is living in the past. While they have a fancy new advertising campaign, that most of us have undoubtedly seen in…

Psssst, JP Morgan Chase- Coal is Dirty!

JP Morgan Chase bank, based in New York City, is living in the past. While they have a fancy new advertising campaign, that most of us have undoubtedly seen in…

Psssst, JP Morgan Chase- Coal is Dirty!

JP Morgan Chase bank, based in New York City, is living in the past. While they have a fancy new advertising campaign, that most of us have undoubtedly seen in…