Atlanta Activists to EPA Region 4: No New MTR Permits!!!

Today the EPA’s two regional offices that have jurisdiction over new mountaintop removal coal mining permits got visits by RAN activists. Atlanta’s Region 4 office oversees new MTR permits in…

Rebranding of Chase as Mountaintop Removal Financier Goes Viral

Last Thursday, Rainforest Action Network along with several online allies including, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, the Waterkeeper Alliance, the Ruckus Society and others re-branded JP Morgan Chase in social…

Internet to Chase: Stop Destroying the Mountains

JP Morgan Chase is the biggest U.S. financier of mountaintop removal. They have financial relationships with the poster child of mountaintop removal, Massey Energy. That means their money is funds…

Obama: make green jobs the No. 1 priority in Appalachia

Listening to the Obama’s State of the Union address last night, I was encouraged to hear that job creation is the President’s number one priority for 2010. Well, here is…

JPMorgan Chase’s Carnival of Destruction

This morning RAN, the New York Action Network, the Waterkeeper Alliance and the Sierra Club organized a “Carnival of Destruction” outside JPMorgan Chase’s mid-town Manhattan headquarters. Scores of protesters gathered…

JPMorgan Chase’s Carnival of Destruction

This morning RAN, the New York Action Network, the Waterkeeper Alliance and the Sierra Club organized a “Carnival of Destruction” outside JPMorgan Chase’s mid-town Manhattan headquarters. Scores of protesters gathered…

JPMorgan Chase’s Carnival of Destruction

This morning RAN, the New York Action Network, the Waterkeeper Alliance and the Sierra Club organized a “Carnival of Destruction” outside JPMorgan Chase’s mid-town Manhattan headquarters. Scores of protesters gathered…

Activists show support for EPA decision but demand more

Wednesday, September 30th, the Environmental Protection Agency released a list of 79 pending mountaintop removal permits that  will be held for further review. While the decision signals a strong first step,…