Live from New York: At the Chase Shareholder Meeting

Hello from New York, where I spent the morning at JPMorgan Chase’s annual shareholder meeting. It was a packed event. After a year of financial turmoil, from which Chase has…

A New Video from Chicago Chase Activists

RAN Chicago and The Topless America Project participated in last week’s day of action against JPMorgan Chase’s financing of mountaintop removal coal mining. They visited a Chase branch in Chicago…

New Reporting from Citi on their Mountaintop Removal Financing

In 2009 RAN urged Citi to stop financing mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining, the environmental tragedy that is destroying the Appalachian landscape and poisoning communities. Citi’s initial response, a statement…

Challenging Chase on Coal in San Jose

Here’s a report-back from a Chase branch protest in San Jose last week: At 3:00 PM eight of us headed to the branch office at 55 West Santa Clara Street,…

Credit Suisse, No Financing for Mountaintop Removal Mining

Check out this excellent article by Andy Kroll at Mother Jones that examines how “Wall Street darlings” JPMorgan Chase are “underwriting environmental Armageddon” by funding mountaintop removal coal mining companies,…

EPA moves to block the largest MTR mine in West Virginia

We’re hearing some reassuring news from the EPA this morning. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it is moving to block the largest mountaintop removal mining permit in…