Two Very Different Acts of God in Appalachia

A few weeks ago, Massey Energy went on a PR offensive to promote the concept that the worst US mine disaster in 40 years – at Massey’s Upper Big Branch…

King Coal Ready to Ante-Up for Elections

Earlier this year, the supreme court ruled in the “Citizens United” case that corporations can spend unlimited funds on candidate elections. The coal industry is getting set to take advantage….

Army Corps Issues Permit to Blow Up Pine Creek

News just in from the EPA: Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) issued a final Clean Water Act (CWA) permit to Coal-Mac Inc. for the Pine Creek Surface…

Reverend Billy Visits UBS

Earlier this afternoon, Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping paid a visit to the Manhattan office of UBS. Over the past two years, some of the biggest…

A letter to Lisa Jackson from West Virginia

Yesterday we learned the news that the EPA has, yet again, flip-flopped on mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining and given the go-ahead to new mining at Pine Creek in Logan…

Another Chink in King Coal’s Armor

Another step in the right direction: the Army Corps announced today that it is eliminating ‘Nationwide Permit 21’, the fast-track process for mountaintop removal mining permit applications. This change means…

Citizen Watch Over Appalachia

We must thank the 9,263 RAN activists who submitted a public comment to Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, urging that she hold firm and veto the Spruce…