How Did They Get In Here? Part One

Mike Roselle, co-founder of RAN and Earth First!, now works in southern West Virginia with Climate Ground Zero campaigning against coal companies to end mountaintop removal. Last Thursday, he was…

Seattle Activists Target JP Morgan Chase

Activists in Seattle have been busy lately targeting their local JP Morgan Chase branches. Here’s a description of last Saturday’s protest from Chad in Seattle: “It was another fun filled…

San Francisco:”Welcome to the Saudi Arabia of Coal”

RAN’s Coal Campaign is bringing this theatrical production to San Francisco. If are in the Bay and can make, please do! “Welcome to the Saudi Arabia of Coal” An original…

Atlanta Activists to EPA Region 4: No New MTR Permits!!!

Today the EPA’s two regional offices that have jurisdiction over new mountaintop removal coal mining permits got visits by RAN activists. Atlanta’s Region 4 office oversees new MTR permits in…

The Battle of Blair Mountain

The Battle of Blair Mountain was the largest organized armed uprising in United States labor history and led almost directly to the labor laws currently in effect today. For nearly…

Help Sustain Direct Action in the Coalfields of Appalachia

You may remember that last June 23, dozens of activists, including myself, organized a daring action to shut down one of Massey Energy’s mountaintop removal sites in West Virginia. That…

Rebranding of Chase as Mountaintop Removal Financier Goes Viral

Last Thursday, Rainforest Action Network along with several online allies including, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, the Waterkeeper Alliance, the Ruckus Society and others re-branded JP Morgan Chase in social…