The EPA Releases New Guidance on Mountaintop Removal

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today a major new guidance document that provides the coal industry and coal-state regulators with “clarity” regarding the permitting of mountaintop removal coal mining….

Credit Suisse, No Financing for Mountaintop Removal Mining

Check out this excellent article by Andy Kroll at Mother Jones that examines how “Wall Street darlings” JPMorgan Chase are “underwriting environmental Armageddon” by funding mountaintop removal coal mining companies,…

EPA moves to block the largest MTR mine in West Virginia

We’re hearing some reassuring news from the EPA this morning. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it is moving to block the largest mountaintop removal mining permit in…

Reverend Billy brings the mountaintops back to Chase bank

We’ve been hearing updates from across the country of activists and groups who are protesting Chase bank’s role in financing mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. This may be the…

What a Week in Washington

Last week I went to Washington DC, along with 200 other folks from 27 US states. We were all there to tell Congress to end mountaintop removal and pass the…

Mountain Justice Spring Break

This week I’m at Mountain Justice Spring Break with folks from all over Appalachia and the east coast. Ex-coal miners, college students, people from Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia,…