Philly Activists Protest EPA

Anti-mountaintop removal (MTR) activists in Philadelphia set up a lemonade stand in front of EPA’s region 3 office yesterday afternoon. But this lemonade was made with “contaminated” water to represent…

A letter to Lisa Jackson from West Virginia

Yesterday we learned the news that the EPA has, yet again, flip-flopped on mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining and given the go-ahead to new mining at Pine Creek in Logan…

Another Chink in King Coal’s Armor

Another step in the right direction: the Army Corps announced today that it is eliminating ‘Nationwide Permit 21’, the fast-track process for mountaintop removal mining permit applications. This change means…

Appalachia Rising: Mobilize to End Mountaintop Removal

Today, a coalition of coalfield residents and organizations held a press conference in Charleston, WV announcing a mass mobilization, called “Appalachia Rising” in Washington D.C. to “mobilize to end mountaintop…

Flash Flooding In West Virginia…Again

Yesterday a State of Emergency was declared in Southern West Virginia after flooding ravaged the area. Thousands were without electricity on Sunday and there are reports of more than 100…

Citizen Watch Over Appalachia

We must thank the 9,263 RAN activists who submitted a public comment to Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, urging that she hold firm and veto the Spruce…

West Virginia Court Violates 8th Amendment Rights

The injustice coming out of Appalachia these days is deafening. And disturbing. In fact, it’s bat shit crazy. On May 17, two Climate Ground Zero activists, EmmaKate Martin, 18, and…