Protect Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem

Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem is a shining example of why we need to Keep Forests Standing. It is like no other place in the world; the last place on Earth where Sumatran orangutans, elephants, tigers, rhinos, and sun bears still roam the same habitat. But the survival of the Leuser Ecosystem is at a crossroads. The brands and banks responsible for fueling the destruction of this biodiversity hotspot are global companies with global customers, which is why we need your help to pressure them to take action.

Global Forests

Home to half of the world’s biodiversity, rainforests impact all life on Earth. They provide the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Rainforests are also our best defense against climate chaos. That makes them the most priceless places on Earth.

Fresh Evidence: Major Global Brands Refuse to Stop Sourcing Fire-Fueled Conflict Palm Oil, Despite Promises

A palm oil producer, exposed for illegally slashing and burning forests, continues to sell its Conflict Palm Oil to suppliers for major brands like Nestlé, Colgate-Palmolive, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble despite their commitments to end deforestation for palm oil by 2020. Our latest investigations expose these brands’ failure to stop forest fires and deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem.

Great News for Sumatran Rhinos

Sensitive lovers, the fate of the smallest and hairiest of the world’s rhinoceros now rests in the protection of its last habitat within the globally important 2.6 million hectare Leuser Ecosystem in Indonesia. The ultimate survival of these shy, forest rhinos now depends on the protection of their habitat and success of a new rhino sanctuary.

Permata Hijau exposed again for sourcing Conflict Palm Oil

RAN field investigators have caught one of Indonesia’s largest palm oil processors sourcing Conflict Palm Oil from a notorious company responsible for destruction of the Leuser Ecosystem… again.

Will Nestlé and Mars intervene to protect Indonesia’s peatlands?

Within Indonesia’s notoriously corrupt, exploitative and destructive palm oil plantation industry, it takes a high degree of well documented bad behavior to stand out among the worst of the worst. But PT. Kallista Alam (PT KA), a palm oil company operating in the Aceh Province of Sumatra, is such a bad actor…