2020, Year of the Forests: Long live the Leuser!

2020 was a breakthrough year in our efforts to protect the Leuser, a fragile yet extraordinary ecosystem home to orangutans, tigers, sun bears, rhinos and elephants. Millions of people also depend on the Leuser for clean drinking water, food, and their livelihoods.

Conservation Breakthrough for the Leuser Ecosystem?

Multiple long term conservation efforts reach fruition with localized solutions  After years of grassroots organizing, field investigations, worldwide media coverage and high profile corporate pressure campaigns, we at Rainforest Action…

Illegal Logging and Road Construction for Palm Oil Pushing Endangered Species to Extinction in the Leuser Ecosystem

Newly collected evidence by Rainforest Action Network field teams exposes that rampant logging, land clearance and road construction for oil palm plantations is leaving endangered Sumatran orangutans fighting for life in isolated forest patches in a region known as the ‘orangutan capital of the world.’ Despite repeated exposés chronicling the controversial practices of both palm oil companies named here, to date, among major palm oil buyers, only Unilever has announced that both companies are on its suspended supplier list. Nestlé, Mars and Mondelēz have failed to publicly respond or issue lists of their suspended suppliers in the Leuser Ecosystem.

Palm Oil Giant Suspends PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari

Facing scrutiny after its complicity in human rights abuses was exposed, Golden Agri Resources has suspended controversial palm oil producer PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari but must now engage directly with the suspended supplier to secure remedy for the Pante Cermin community.

Protect Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem

Indonesia’s Leuser Ecosystem is a shining example of why we need to Keep Forests Standing. It is like no other place in the world; the last place on Earth where Sumatran orangutans, elephants, tigers, rhinos, and sun bears still roam the same habitat. But the survival of the Leuser Ecosystem is at a crossroads. The brands and banks responsible for fueling the destruction of this biodiversity hotspot are global companies with global customers, which is why we need your help to pressure them to take action.

Fresh Evidence: Major Global Brands Refuse to Stop Sourcing Fire-Fueled Conflict Palm Oil, Despite Promises

A palm oil producer, exposed for illegally slashing and burning forests, continues to sell its Conflict Palm Oil to suppliers for major brands like Nestlé, Colgate-Palmolive, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble despite their commitments to end deforestation for palm oil by 2020. Our latest investigations expose these brands’ failure to stop forest fires and deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem.