Ecuador’s Innovative Plan To Save The Yasuní In Jeopardy

In 2007, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa presented the Yasuní ITT Initiative to the United Nations General Assembly, declaring the country’s willingness to forego the exploitation of an estimated 846 million…

Northwest Coal Summit in Seattle, WA; June 24-27

Coal is the topic on everyone’s minds. Greenpeace are taking over smokestacks in Chicago. People are marching on Blair Mountain. And Rainforest Action Network has no end in sight for…

Who’s Got the Power?

Did you know that every state in the U.S. has great clean energy resources, yet most choose instead to completely neglect these resources and spend billions of dollars importing dirty…

Earth Day Poster Contest Winners!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in our 2011 Earth Day Poster Contest! Check out the 2011 Earth Day Poster Contest winners. All of the poster entries were wonderfully inspiring and…

VOTE on RAN’s Earth Day Poster Contest Finalists

RAN’s annual kids’ Earth Day Poster Contest finalists have been determined, and we need your votes to help pick our winner! We received so many amazing entries, ranging from precious to…

The Story of Citizens United

What is Citizens United all about anyway? How did it come to pass that corporations can now spend as much as they want on political advertising? Isn’t that f*d up?…

Egypt’s Youth Revolution

On what has become known as “The Day of Revolt” — January 25, 2011 — thousands of Egyptians took to the streets to protest the regime of authoritarian leader Hosni…

RAN’S Greatest Hits: 1985-2010

1985 began with the swearing in of Ronald Reagan for his second term as President of the United States. It was a flash point in our democracy marked by massive…