Black Flags and Windmills: Climate Justice in Action

“Anarchy is not chaos, anarchy is self organization at its root. It’s the belief that any of us can get together and make decisions, that we don’t need someone 3,000…

Cure Your Summertime Blues With Coal Action Camp

It’s going to be some hot business this summer, and we ain’t talkin about the triple digit heat wave hitting much of the country. There is a rebellious spirit sweeping…

Just Do It

This is better than Harry Potter. Film maker Emily James has documented the emergence of a bold grassroots climate movement in the UK in her new film “Just Do It.”…

Victory At Glen Cove: “A Win For the Ancestors”

Nearly 100 days of continuous prayer on-site at Segorea Te (also known as Glen Cove) near San Francisco, California, has precipitated a precedent-setting victory for the protection of a sacred…

Big Polluters Lining Up At Renewable Energy Trough

This post was written by Ananda Lee Tan at GAIA. Between the pollution trading markets and increasing public handouts for bad corporate behavior, U.S. energy corporations have been laughing all…

Brooklyn Elementary Students Walkin’ for Rainforests

UPDATE: On October 11, 2012, Disney announced a comprehensive paper policy that maximizes its use of environmentally superior papers like recycled and eliminates controversial sources like those connected to Indonesian rainforest destruction….