Dogbert the green consultant

“You can’t save the Earth unless you’re willing to make other people sacrifice.”

Dogbert the green consultant

“You can’t save the Earth unless you’re willing to make other people sacrifice.”

Make Labor Day Everyday In Oakland

Saturday turned out to be Labor Day in Oakland and I joined a group of friends that joined pickets that led to the ILWU shutting down the Port of Oakland…

Deforestation leading cause of Global Warming

OK – we know that forests trap carbon which helps reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We know that planting trees and restoring forests increases the depth…

Police Raid Home of Ecuadorian Environmentalist

On October 17th, police in ski masks carrying automatic weapons raided the home of Carlos Zorrilla, the Executive Director of Defense and Ecological Conservation of Intag (DECOIN), a grassroots group…

Police Raid Home of Ecuadorian Environmentalist

On October 17th, police in ski masks carrying automatic weapons raided the home of Carlos Zorrilla, the Executive Director of Defense and Ecological Conservation of Intag (DECOIN), a grassroots group…

Oil Addicted Ford CEO Steps Down

Ford’s economically devastating downward spiral of oil addiction has had us all watching to see how this auto giant will chart its Way Forward. As we’ve seen Bill Ford Jr…

Oil Addicted Ford CEO Steps Down

Ford’s economically devastating downward spiral of oil addiction has had us all watching to see how this auto giant will chart its Way Forward. As we’ve seen Bill Ford Jr…

Bring the troops home. Fast.

“What was it like to live during the war?” When I was growing up, I used to ask my grandparents that question all the time. All four of my grandparents…

Wells Fargo Round Up In Fort Worth, Texas

written by cri in Ft Worth, Texas yahoo! we celebrated Earth Day last Saturday with a good old fashioned ‘brandin’, where instead of branding a cow we in fact branded…