Forget the Black Gold, Just Clean Water Please

I’m sitting opposite the ‘Hotel Black Gold’ as the sun goes down over Lago Agrio and the streets start to hum with evening traffic, people returning home from work and…

Tar Sands Threaten Canada’s Rainforests

October 12-18 is World Rainforest Week. Every year, we take this opportunity to highlight rainforest destruction around the world – and what we are doing to stop it. And RAN…

Could Chevron Have a Change of Heart?

Fabiola is a beautiful thirteen-year old girl with sparkling bright eyes and an infectious smile. As we approached her house in the village of Taracoa in Ecuador, she marched right…

A little effort….

A fun video put together by youth producer John Cooney to start off the holiday weekend – A little effort can go a long way towards reversing global warming. [youtube…

Peru blockades called off but controversy remains

Here is the latest on the Peru conflict. As of Friday, June 19th, the BBC reported that due to the repeal of the two most controversial presidential decrees, the blockades…

Sorting Global Warming Fact from Fiction

> Original story at Center for American Progress. Cattle graze in front of wind mills of the Spanish utility Endesa in the Eolico Park, Spain. SOURCE: AP/Javier Barbancho. By Vanessa…

Air Pollution Endangers Lives of Six in 10 Americans

One of the biggest culprits behind air pollution is – you guessed it – dirty coal plants (that would be all of them.) Global warming, acid rain, massive amounts of…

Australian logger drops lawsuit against protesters

Great news from Australia! A logging company has settled its lawsuit against its activist critics, and believe it or not the logger is the one who has to pay the…