Destroying Lives and
Stealing Land

Forest destruction, criminalization, crop destruction, murder… these are only some of the crimes that have been found on these plantations, and pulp and palm oil that come from these plantations are still finding their way into our food and packaging…

Stories of Inspired Resistance:

By any measure, 2020 has been a dramatically unprecedented year, forcing us all to adapt to new challenges while facing the grim realities of racial injustice, the violence of right-wing…

MUFG: No. 1 Asian banker of the climate crisis

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) –- the parent company of Union Bank in the U.S. — is Japan’s largest bank. It’s not only financing the construction of more coal plants…

Defending Democracy Resource Guide

As we get closer to Election Day 2020, those waging war on people and the planet are refusing any commitment to a peaceful transition of power should they lose. They’ve…

protest banner outside of a Chase bank

Rights Abuses, Deforestation, and Climate Change

Procter & Gamble is linked to rights abuses, deforestation, and climate change: P&G this doesn’t look good! Here are 3 ways P&G is falling short and 1 thing you can do about it.

One Year Later: The Rainforests Are On Fire

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire; and where there’s fire, there’s greed. One year later & rainforest FIRES are back in the Amazon & Indonesia, driven by corporate greed, polluting our planet, & destroying lives and livelihoods. Last year was horrible but this year is on track to be WORSE.

UPDATED: Follow Up from the Frontlines

UPDATE: RAN has now been able to provide over $400,000 in grants to frontline and Indigenous-led organizations in the Amazon region since last year’s fires, thanks to RAN supporters!

Keep Forests Standing
Campaign Launch!

Today, we’re putting 17 brands and banks on notice: end deforestation and the expansion of logging and industrial agriculture into the last tropical rainforests of Indonesia, the Amazon, and the Congo Basin, in particular areas traditionally owned and managed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities…NOW.