Thank You

You know what I’m thankful for this year? You. Everything RAN has accomplished this past year is thanks to you. Please don’t think for a second that I’m just saying…

The No Keystone XL Movement Needs You!

Two weeks, a group of courageous people were arrested in the belly of the beast: TransCanada’s U.S. headquarters in Houston, Texas. These were mothers, fathers, grandfathers, great grandmothers, scientists, and…

Stand Up to the Keystone XL Corporate Bosses

Right now I am in Houston where people are peacefully sitting-in at the US headquarters of TransCanada. The company—which is responsible for the Keystone XL pipeline—only cares about its bottom…

Training for the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance

              When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Throughout the summer, Rainforest Action Network, CREDO, and the Other 98% will be leading…

RAN Board Chair Arrested in front of White House

As you read this, I am being arrested in Washington D.C. in front of the White House. I am here with more than 40 others—including environmental luminaries, a Texas landowner,…

Over 50 Enter Tar Sands Tree Blockade in Defiance of Police

The fight against the Keystone XL pipeline isn’t going anywhere. This morning, in defiance of police and TransCanada’s lawsuits, over 50 people marched onto the easement to resupply the tree…