Should America bail out Detroit?

After three decades of cheap oil, the rising cost of gasoline is finally driving consumers away from gas guzzling cars trucks and SUVs, the mainstay of Detroit’s profit margins. Now…

No more ‘No New Coal’?

Thanks to the good work of the Sierra Club and a large coalition of western and Utah organizations, the phrase ‘No New Coal’ may have gone WAY out of style…

The Sustainable Living Roadshow is ready to roll!

RAN’s representative on the Sustainable Living Roadshow tour is Marty Driggs… his first report from the field… Hello blog world! Marty here, checking in from Berkeley, CA, where the crew…

we run this.

I just got back from seven days that reminded me why youth are gonna save the world. I had the privilege of helping train and learn from 200 brilliant young…

Will the real Billionaires please stand up?

I don’t mean to start sounding like a broken record, but I really do love it when I scan the news and find reports of actions challenging banks’ investments in…

Smog, the Equalizer for Olympic Athletes

China’s already taken 90% of its 3 million cars off the road in Beijing in order to reduce air pollution for the Olympics, but that still isn’t enough for them…

Dynegy CEO Admits Uphill Battle on Coal Fired Powerplants

More from today’s Dynegy shareholder’s meeting in Houston today. CEO Bruce Williamson, a finalist for Fossil Fool of the Year, told his company’s shareholders “that only a few of the…