Agrofuels Rally at Low Carbon Fuel Standard Hearing

Yesterday’s Agrofuels rally at the Low Carbon Fuel Standard was, in a word, beautiful. We rode up to Sacramento in Lola, the Mexican bus (fueled by biodiesel made from recycled…

I really don’t like Big Coal

I really don’t like Big Coal. I don’t like it when they blow the tops of mountains. I don’t like it when their power plants pollute local air and water….

44 Arrested Protesting Cliffside Coal Plant

A few hours ago hundreds of protesters converged on the headquarters of Duke Energy in Charlotte NC to demand a stop to the construction of the Cliffside Coal-fired power plant….


Youth action frames the conversation at the UNFCCC in Poznan, Poland Young people from around the world made their voice heard today at the UN Framework Convention on Climate change…

Breaking the Law to Bear Witness to an Evil

Check out this letter from Wendell Berry and Bill McKibben calling for mass civil disobedience outside a coal-fired power plant near Capitol Hill March 2, 2009. Click here to sign…

What is the carbon footprint of my checking account?

RAN released a new report today, “Financing Global Warming: Canadian Banks and Fossil Fuels“, which calculates for the first time the carbon footprint from financing of fossil fuels by 7…

Breakthrough coming for Electric Cars?

Check out yesterday’s blog post from Marc Gunther: Charging ahead with electric cars As the electric car is business gets more and more crowded, it feels like we are…