Earth to Chamber of Commerce Members: Change or Leave

The controversy surrounding the US Chamber of Commerce continues. The labor coalition Change to Win recently issued a report on how the Chamber has been hijacked by right wing ideologues,…

Corporations Breaking Ranks on Climate

The largest industry trade group in the world is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a coalition of some 3 million leading corporations. This behemoth includes some of the most environmentally…

Agrofuels Are Not Low Carbon

Evidence is mounting about the social and environmental consequences of industrialized biofuels, aka agrofuels. A new paper from RAN concludes that we cannot grow our way out of our oil…

Chris Jordan takes on U.S. coal consumption

I’ve been a fan of Chris Jordan’s photographs for quite some time. No other work that I’ve seen captures the sheer magnitude of our culture’s dark side in a way…

Mrs. Nixon, please help us stop the tar sands

In Toronto today, RAN appealed directly to Janet Nixon – the wife of Royal Bank of Canada’s CEO, Gordon Nixon – to help us end her husband’s company’s massive bankrolling…

The Carbon Logic Problem Statement | Grist

All too often those debating the solutions and proposed actions to tackle global warming fail to challenge the assumptions. While it’s important to deal with emissions it can be argued…

Bunge Shareholder Meeting Update

Great report back from Samantha Corbin, who attended Bunge’s shareholder meeting last Friday! “I’m more of a party crasher than someone who gets an engraved invitation. Certainly so when the…