Help Sustain Direct Action in the Coalfields of Appalachia

You may remember that last June 23, dozens of activists, including myself, organized a daring action to shut down one of Massey Energy’s mountaintop removal sites in West Virginia. That…

Rebranding of Chase as Mountaintop Removal Financier Goes Viral

Last Thursday, Rainforest Action Network along with several online allies including, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, the Waterkeeper Alliance, the Ruckus Society and others re-branded JP Morgan Chase in social…

Internet to Chase: Stop Destroying the Mountains

JP Morgan Chase is the biggest U.S. financier of mountaintop removal. They have financial relationships with the poster child of mountaintop removal, Massey Energy. That means their money is funds…

Chevron Lies, People Die.

In today’s “Chevron is a dirty liar” news: The oil giant pulls another dirty PR trick and lies to avoid paying $27 billion to clean up their toxic legacy in…

Put Climate Change on Trial

Over a year ago, in the tradition of Ed Abbey and Earth First!, college student Tim DeChristopher (aka Bidder 70) monkey-wrenched an auction for oil and gas leases in Utah…

150,000 (and counting) want to Change Chevron!

Thanks to a big push from Avaaz yesterday, there are now over 150,000 people who have signed a petition telling Chevron’s new CEO John Watson to clean up the oil…

The Human Costs of Chevron

As many of you know, there is lawsuit that has been going on for over 16 years to get Chevron to own up and clean up its toxic legacy in…

Group Therapy For Banks Hooked on Tar Sands

After more than a year of denial, RBC may be admitting that it has a problem in the tar sands. Tomorrow, we’ve learned that RBC will host a group of…

I’m running for Emergildo

Who knew that leg stretching and laps could challenge the CEO of one of the world’s largest and most powerful corporations? I arrived in Houston, TX yesterday (yeehaw!) to run…