What’s The Connection Between Fractals And Rainforests?

When longtime RAN supporter Robert Wehle recommended to one of our staff that we watch the NOVA special FRACTALS: Hunting the Hidden Dimension that was the first question that popped…

Diggin’ Palm Oil Free Soap

Most of us practice personal hygiene at least every couple of days, and because many contain synthetic chemicals, a portion of those end up in our bodies and in our…

Chevron And The Bittersweet California Election Results

November 3rd was a bittersweet day. The day after the midterm elections, we found out that Prop 23 — the so-called “Dirty Energy Proposition” that was funded by Texas oil…

Big Oil Profits, We Pay

Today, BP, and their contractors, Transocean and Halliburton, are testifying before Congress to determine who is at fault for the nearly 4 million gallons of oil wreaking havoc on the…

New Reporting from Citi on their Mountaintop Removal Financing

In 2009 RAN urged Citi to stop financing mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining, the environmental tragedy that is destroying the Appalachian landscape and poisoning communities. Citi’s initial response, a statement…

How Bolivia celebrates Earth Day

This morning my email inbox was full of advocacy groups commemorating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. As the ecological systems that support life are reaching their brink, there is…

Emergildo’s Story

This past week, Emergildo Criollo, an Indigenous Ecuador leader of the Cofan people traveled 3,000 miles from his home in the Amazon rainforest to California. He came to California to…

CA Lawmakers Want to Help Make Chevron Clean Up Ecuador

Last night, Emergildo Criollo, the Indigenous leader from Ecuador, met with California legislators and asked for their support in the 16+ year campaign to demand Chevron remediate massive oil contamination…

What’s Your Carbon “FOODprint”?

Brighter Planet has just come out with a report that examines the climate impact of multiple factors along the entire supply chain of producing, transporting, packaging, preparing and discarding our…