Justicia Now! Shame on Chevron!

This week has filled me with immense pride for work of the Indigenous and campesino communities who have been waging a campaign for social and environmental justice in the Ecuadorian…

On a mission to expose the human costs of palm oil

I just arrived in Kuching, Malaysia, after 20 grueling hours of travel from San Francisco. I’m here to take part in a fact finding mission organised by Sarawak Dayak Iban…

Investing in Agrofuels is Dirty Business

This weekend the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) governors and directors are in Miami for their annual meeting. And where there is unaccountable and unsustainable finance, there is also a broad…

Indigenous prisoners of conscience

Earlier this week 6 political leaders of the Indigenous Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation were sentenced to 6 months in jail for refusing to allow mining and exploration on their…

Grassy Narrows women take action

Last week women from Grassy went out to the edges of their land, near where some cutting of the forest is still taking place. One of the women sent out…

KI Chief facing jail time for defending land

“I’m prepared to go to jail for my belief in my land.” Those words were spoken by Chief Donny Morris in a Thunder Bay Ontario courtroom on January 25th. With…

OSU Students Intercept President Gee – Twice!

Check out this update from our friends at OSU Today, Thursday the 14th, Free The Planet members directly confronted OSU President Gordon Gee, not once, but twice. This morning I…

OSU Students Sit-in to Support Grassy Narrows

About an hour ago, five students at Ohio State began a sit-in to demand ethical standards for the purchase of wood and paper. The members Free The Planet, a student…