Huge News for Ontario’s Boreal Forest and its peoples.

The Ontario Government just announced plans to protect 56 million acres of Northern Boreal forest from all industry. The area falls entirely in the traditional territories of 36 First Nations…

Canada Looking for Terrorists in Grassy Narrows

The National Post just reported that Canada’s top Federal spooks were keeping *really* close tabs on last year’s National Day of Action for Native Rights–apparently including protests planned in support…

Grassy Victory Articles

Check out these lengthy news pieces on Grassy Narrows’ victory in kicking the clear-cut logging corporations off their territory – an area three times the size of Yosemite National Park….

KI6 and Bob Lovelace are Free!

Last week, as hundreds of supporters gathered to demand their release, Bob Lovelace and the KI6 won a ground breaking legal appeal to secure their unconditional release. The community leaders…

Gathering of Mother Earth Protectors, day two

An update on the Gathering of Mother Earth Protectors at Queens Park in Toronto by Judy Rebick (via their blog): Today was the second day of the Gathering of Mother…

Hundreds Kick off a Week of Protest in Toronto

Update: Photos can be found here and here. RAN joined with more than a dozen other groups to sponsor a week-long occupation of the Ontario Legislature in Ontario. Pictures and…

Xingu: A sea of forest surrounded by agribusiness

After spending 4 days at the “Encontro Xingu”, I had the opportunity to fly over the entire Xingu river basin beginning in Altamira, Para and ending in Canarana, Mato Grosso…soy…