Town Hall Meeting rocked the East Bay

The Town Hall Meeting, “Rise Up and Green Up” of the Hecho en Califas festival at La Pena that we co-sponsored in Berkeley was a huge success It was one…

Sailboat Banner Creates Waves in Cargill’s Backyard

On Lake Minnetonka today, just down the road from Cargill’s world headquarters, the rainforest agribusiness campaign set sail amongst the  hundred or so sailboats participating in a regatta in Wayzata…

Why Twinkies Destroy Rainforests and Cook the Planet

In the end, climate change made us quit. On most days, we’re like any other card-carrying, food-conscious environmentalists. My wife and I shop at our local natural grocery store, dutifully…

Spreading the word about Online Activism

What an inspirational week! The Rainforest Agribusiness campaigners, interns, and legions of supporters across the world have taken major steps to bring about the end of palm oil expansion into…

Tom Stephens: Amnesiac or Poor Brand Manager?

Forest News Watch posted an interesting interview with Boise Cascade CEO Tom Stephens Friday.  When asked what effect “the agreement reached with Rainforest Action Network” had on day-to-day operations of…

Broad coalition writes to Ontario premier

Today RAN was part of a coalition that released a joint public letter to Ontario’s premier calling on him to implement his promises for the Northern Boreal with full respect…

Indigenous resistance gets the goods

If you haven’t already heard about Ontario’s huge announcement for the Boreal and Indigenous rights then you should REALLY check out this earlier post. Ontario’s Premier committed to protect 50%…