SF:Quit Fooling With Fossil Fuels

Rising Tide Bay Area did a banner drop early this morning above the This morning at rush-hour, Rising Tide Bay Area dropped a 300 square foot banner on Treasure Island,…

Coal’s Funeral Procession

Today’s announced decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to put a hold on all new mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining permits is a welcome change to the coal industry’s…

Powershift vs. Tar Sands

I joined about 30 powershifters to brave the snow and wind early this morning to send a message to Congressional leaders ahead of Canadian Minister of the Environment Jim Prentice….

Whole Foods Comes Out With Palm Oil Statement!

We are happy to announce that Whole Foods Market has become a voice for change in the palm oil industry and has written a statement in alignment with RAN’s Pledge…

Small Grants for a Dozen Frontline Communities

Through our relationship with Global Greengrants Fund, we’ve helped recently to make a dozen grants to projects spanning 3 continents. These communities are on the frontlines of efforts around the…