Mrs. Nixon, please help us stop the tar sands

In Toronto today, RAN appealed directly to Janet Nixon – the wife of Royal Bank of Canada’s CEO, Gordon Nixon – to help us end her husband’s company’s massive bankrolling…

Big Oil’s Green Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

It’s pretty rare that I read a Green Scare smear piece that turns my stomach these days. But this one just took the cake. The Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs…

Cascadia Rising:Road Blockade Stops Logging In Oregon Forest

This week, a group of Cascadia Earth First!ers and Rising Tide members took action against the continued liquidation and destruction of Oregon’s Elliot State Forest. Using sky pods, bipods, road…

Latest dozen Protect-an-Acre grants

Our latest series of a dozen Protect-an-Acre grants over the last few months supported frontline community efforts to defend their land in forests from the Amazon and Cerrado in South…

Peru blockades called off but controversy remains

Here is the latest on the Peru conflict. As of Friday, June 19th, the BBC reported that due to the repeal of the two most controversial presidential decrees, the blockades…

End the Killing In Peru!

On Tuesday, RAN activists joined about 40 other people from Amazon Watch, the Earth First! Roadshow, and Rising Tide North America in a protest at the Peruvian consulate in San…

Obama Administration’s Disappointing Position on MTR

First thing this morning I joined journalists and other environmentalists on phone call/press conference. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of the Interior (DOI) and Army Corps of Engineers announced…