REVEL in San Francisco on October 15th – Join Us!

For years now RAN has set the bar for annual environmental fundraising celebrations.  And this year’s event, on October 15th will be no exception! REVEL: The Art of Activism is…

Have You Taken the Climate Pledge of Resistance?

Have you taken the Climate Pledge of Resistance? I did. Last summer, the Yes Men launched calling on thousands to sign up and put their freedom on the line…

Standing forests have value too

There is a nice summary of Indonesia’s forest woes in this week’s Economist. The article includes a comment from Sinar Mas, Indonesia’s single largest rainforest destroyer, reiterating Sinar Mas’ sole…

Tar Sands Fighters to U.S. News Media: WAKE UP!

Over the past decade, as oil prices have risen ever higher, oil companies have begun a massive – and massively destructive – project of tearing Canada’s boreal forest to pieces,…

Where in the World?

So I made it to Appalachia, but as you probably saw, the tree-sit was already over. We spent the evening hanging out with a bunch of activists and community members,…

Lush Palm Free Launch

This afternoon a handful of RAN staff headed down to the Lush Cosmetics store in Union Square to support Lush’s decision to take a stand against rainforest destruction by removing…