Orangutans Loose in Downtown Minneapolis!

Displaced primates, having lost much of their Indonsian rainforest habitat, relocate to Minneapolis to tell the company responsible for destroying their rainforests to adopt a Global Forest Policy NOW. One…

Keep the heat on Cargill

Yesterday’s global call-in day to Cargill’s CEO Gregory Page at his headquarters in Wayzata, MN was a huge success thanks to all of our wonderful supporters and activists!  Great work! …

Forget the Black Gold, Just Clean Water Please

I’m sitting opposite the ‘Hotel Black Gold’ as the sun goes down over Lago Agrio and the streets start to hum with evening traffic, people returning home from work and…

Could Chevron Have a Change of Heart?

Fabiola is a beautiful thirteen-year old girl with sparkling bright eyes and an infectious smile. As we approached her house in the village of Taracoa in Ecuador, she marched right…

New research questions value of REDD project in Sumatra

David Gaveau et al. have released an innovate paper that takes a critical look at the widely touted Reduced Emissions through avoided Deforestation and Degredation (REDD) project in the Ulu…

If REDD can’t save this…

Cross-posted at Grist Bukit Tigapuluh Forest is truly one of those special places. It’s got three endangered species, two minority groups of indigenous people and a superlative: it’s the last…