Holiday Delivery of 5,000 petitions to Cargill!

You know something’s up when Santa is hanging out with orangutans in your corporate headquarters parking lot. You know its something you are going to have to deal with when…

Will Copenhagen Save the Rainforests?

This blog was posted first on Grist. In the midst of decreasing expectations over a global climate deal, saving forests has been held out as the one thing that might…

November 30:Global Day of Action on Climate Crisis

On November 30, major demonstrations, teach-ins and civil disobedience actions will take place in nine cities around the U.S.—in Chicago, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Burlington, VT, two cities…

Challenging the Corporate Climate Crisis

It’s only a few days until November 30, an international day of climate action and solidarity with the upcoming protests in Copenhagen. Nine cities are preparing mobilizations, mass actions, protests…

A low-fat diet where potato chips don’t count

The world’s forests are a critical piece of the climate change puzzle. Covering over 30 percent of the Earth’s land surface, forests play a huge role in regulating weather patterns…

Do We Want To Be The Generation That Destroyed Ourselves?

November 20th, 2009 Published in the Huffington Post By Trudie Styler                                                                                                                                                                                     Actress, director, producer, and humanitarian The following post was originally delivered at the UN General Assembly’s meeting…

Canadian Youth Confront Parliament as PowerShift Wraps Up

Written by Maryam Adrangi and Eriel Tchekwie Deranger. A group of Canadian climate change activists – including RAN campaigner Eriel Deranger, and numerous members of RAN Toronto – caused a…