When A Deforestation Moratorium Doesn’t Matter

When I think of a moratorium from a forest perspective, normally it is a very good thing. Convincing corporations or governments to agree to a moratorium that halts deforestation can…

The Profits Over People Pattern

In what has become something of a pattern, the Obama administration recently took a bold new step to protect our planet at the same time that it was taking a…

Judy Bonds, Presente

“Fight Harder” -Judy Bonds We’re mourning the passing of our friend Julia “Judy” Bonds. She was a mother, a grandmother, a coal miner’s daughter, a national leader in the mountaintop…

RBC Takes Step Away From Tar Sands

It took nearly two years, but today Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) finally adopted environmental and social standards on its financing in the tar sands. Great! So what does that…

Manchin Doesn’t Care About DADT Or Mountains

Joe Manchin is off to a poor start as the new Senator for West Virginia. Many of his constituents are furious he skipped out on the Senate’s “Don’t Ask Don’t…

U.S. Should Join World In Supporting Indigenous Rights

Canada has now formally endorsed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), leaving the United States as the only country to remain opposed to the most…

Breath Of Fresh Air: Two Kentucky Coal Plants Cancelled

Great news from our friends at Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (KFTC): the coal-burning power plant proposed by the East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC) has been canceled by the utility. East…