Biased Judge in Chevron’s RICO Suit Gets Called Out

As oil giant Chevron has pursued its “distract, distort, and delay” strategy to evade responsibility for polluting Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest, the company has found U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan to…

Get Crunk for the Amazon

Very few times in life does one get the opportunity to title anything “Get Crunk for the Amazon.” Well, today’s a banner day. Our homies at Critical Beats partnered with…

Local Washington Residents Oppose Longview Coal Port

Concerned local residents turned out in force on Tuesday to demand that Cowlitz County, Washington officials revoke a shore permit for the proposed Longview coal export terminal. If built, the…

RAN’s Position On Hydrofracking

We have grown increasingly concerned about the prevalence of hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking,’ a technique used to mine natural gas. We’ve watched movies like Split Estate and Gasland, which explain…

Chicago for Clean Power

Guest blogger, Liz Nerat from RAN Chicago, writes about their campaign work to pass a Clean Power Ordinance and retire Fisk power plant  in Chicago: At 8:00am on an unseasonably…

Kentucky Has Risen!

“Mountaintop removal is an act of aggression. Civil disobedience is an act of love.” – Terry Tempest Williams A mountaintop insurrection is underway in Kentucky, and it’s got be on…

Chevron’s RICO Suit: An Exercise in High Satire?

Oh, the irony. Chevron filing a racketeering lawsuit against the impoverished Indigenous and campesino Amazon residents who are suing the oil giant in Ecuador for plundering their rainforest land over…