Introducing: Coal Action Network Northwest

This post was written by Nick Engelfried and originally appeared on When some people think of solutions to the climate crisis, they picture wind turbines blowing in the breeze…

Mountaintop Removal Mining Raises Birth Defects

In April I went to Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s office in Washington DC. Nancy is my representative and I was there to talk about her duty to protect U.S. communities and…

Bay Area Benefit To Protect Glen Cove

Come one, come all: RAN and local Bay Area music blog Wiretap Music are proud to present a concert to benefit the spiritual encampment at Glen Cove on Thursday, June…

The Last Mountain

A new must-see movie is out about the anti-mountaintop removal movement. Featuring Robert F. Kennedy Jr., “The Last Mountain” focuses on the issues of mountaintop removal and hard work of…

The Struggle For Justice In The Amazon Spans Generations

Over the past few weeks we’ve told you a lot about the courageous Ecuadoreans who traveled to America to take their calls for justice directly to Chevron’s management and board…

RAN Translates Banker-Speak

Earlier this year, thousands of RAN supporters wrote to Deutsche Bank boss Josef Achermenn to urge that his bank cease financing mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. Deutsche Bank have…

Respect Sacred Sites: Protect Glen Cove

“Everyone has the right to a final resting place. Our ancestors deserve to have a resting place on their original land without the threat of being removed for the sake…