Climate Change Ground Zero Action Camp: Day 1

I’m in Montana at the bottom of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. People are pouring into the “Climate Change Ground Zero Action Camp.” For the next week, we’ll be…

Nissan Initiates Second Wave of Electric Cars in U.S.

Nissan recently announced plans to produce electric vehicles for the U.S. market by 2010. This upstages announcements from both GM and Toyota, which have also announced plans for plug-in production….

Toxic Tar Sands Exposed at Earth Day Event

Got Tar Sands? Similar to the got milk ads about our health, communities across the country are questioning why oil refineries are asking for permits to expand their refinery. The…

Justicia Now! Shame on Chevron!

This week has filled me with immense pride for work of the Indigenous and campesino communities who have been waging a campaign for social and environmental justice in the Ecuadorian…

Fossil Fools Day Highlights From Around The Globe!

Fossil Fools Day is making a splash around the world. We’re following dozens and dozens of actions in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand! Here’s a brief update…

Oil Change Live Blogging Fossil Fools in DC

The fossil fools are all on parade today in Washington, DC. Five of the nation’s top Oil CEOs are testifying before Congress on their opposition to renewable energy legislation and…

Zero Emissions Vehicles Terminated

Yesterday in a bold move backwards, California’s Air Resource Board (CARB) voted to kill the electric car. Again. Bowing to automaker pressure. Again. Ignoring the concerns of California’s citizens. Again….

Vote for Your Favorite Fossil Fool!

Well, it’s that time of year…time to select your Fossil Fool of the Year!! Voting is just underway here, and we’ve got a vested interest in the outcome, so, please,…