Should America bail out Detroit?

After three decades of cheap oil, the rising cost of gasoline is finally driving consumers away from gas guzzling cars trucks and SUVs, the mainstay of Detroit’s profit margins. Now…

No more ‘No New Coal’?

Thanks to the good work of the Sierra Club and a large coalition of western and Utah organizations, the phrase ‘No New Coal’ may have gone WAY out of style…

Canada Wastes No Time in Pushing Dirty Oil on Obama

A report from the Globe and Mail today underscores just how important dirty oil is to Canada’s designs on the US energy markets: Prime Minister Stephen Harper is proposing to…

Keepers of the Water: Day 2

In addition to the dozen or so First Nations here, representatives from twenty US and Canadian non governmental organizations have also gathered this week in Ft. Chipewyan. That’s a lot…

Keepers of the Water: Day 1

Water is life–that’s the resounding message from the third annual Keepers of the Water Gathering here in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. More than 400 crowd into the community hall for the…

Smog, the Equalizer for Olympic Athletes

China’s already taken 90% of its 3 million cars off the road in Beijing in order to reduce air pollution for the Olympics, but that still isn’t enough for them…

Tar Sands Coming to Detroit – bad news for Detroiters

Sad news in Detroit: yesterday the expansion of the Marathon Oil Refinery was approved in Detroit. As you would expect from the ruthless, profiteering oil industry, the refinery is cited…

Climate Ground Zero Action Camp: Day 3

As the camp begins preparing to apply new skills during Friday’s all-camp “simulation”, day three reactions are coming in via the Climate Ground Zero blog. From the new-school: 21 year…

Climate Ground Zero Action Camp: Day 2

I’m sitting in front of the Greenpeace communications van, the pride and joy of Richard “Sky King” Dillman. Despite our relatively remote location, can transmit live audio, video or text…